THINK TEEN 1, UNIT 2, LESSON 1,VOCABULARY ,pages 7-12 (by Mrs Mary Daniel)
Agree =to share the same
opinion with someone = συμφωνώ
≠ disagree
-> agreement (n.) ≠ disagreement (n.)
ancient = αρχαίος ≠ contemporary, modern
Modern Greek literature = Νέα
Ελληνική Λογοτεχνία
Ancient Greek= Αρχαία Ελληνικά
anyway =used when returning to an earlier subject, τέλος
at each other =at one another, ο ένας
στον άλλον
at least =as much as, or more than, a number or amount,
at the last minute =the latest time possible, την τελευταία
attach =to join or fix one thing to another, επισυνάπτω= link
up, join,connect ≠detach
->attachment (n.), attached ≠ detached
basics; (the) basics =the most important facts, skills, or
needs, τα βασικά ->basic (adj.), basically (adv.)
- learn the basics about .. =μαθαίνω τα
βασικά για …
be ace at (expression)=be very good at, είμαι άσσος σε κάτι
beyond =on the other side of something, πέρα από
border =the line that separates two countries or states,
beyond borders= περί από τα σύνορα – without borders = χωρίς σύνορα
break (noun)=when you stop an activity for a short time,
usually to rest or to eat, διάλλειμα – to have a break =κάνω διάλλειμα
bookish type = βιβλιοφάγος,a student who enjoys studying
can't help it (expression)= δεν μπορώ να κάνω κάτι για να σταματήσω
μια κατάσταση (συνήθως δυσάρεστη)
care =to feel interested in or worried about,
νοιάζομαι=mind -> careful, careless (adj.),
carefully (adv.) ≠ carelessly
certain =particular, συγκεκριμένος ≠ uncertain ->certainly (adv.)
comment = σχόλιο=remark, note ->commentary (n.),
commentator (n.)
compassion =a feeling of sympathy for people who are
suffering, συμπόνια, ευσπλαχνία ->compassionate
context =συμφραζόμενα
council = συμβούλιο
->councillor (n.)
Student Council = Μαθητικό Συμβούλιο
course =a series of lessons about a particular subject,
μάθημα -> coursebook (n.)
draft =a piece of writing or a plan that is not yet in its
finished form, προσχέδιο
dread =to fear, τρέμω, φοβάμαι->dreadful (adj.)
essential =very important and necessary, σημαντικός, απαραίτητος ≠ unimportant, unnecessary
-> essence (n.), essentially
event =δραστηριότητα, εκδήλωση= activity, occasion,
exactly =completely correct, at the right time, ακριβώς= precisely
exist =to be real or present, υπάρχω->existence (n.),
existing (adj.)
fancy = enjoy,like very much
fall behind =to not do something fast enough, or not
do something by a particular time, μένω πίσω
fave= (favourite) , αγαπημένος ->favour (v.), favourable (adj.)
find out = discover, ανακαλύπτω, μαθαίνω
fight =to argue, τσακώνομαι
->fight (n.)
format = δίνω σχήμα και διάταξη
frequency = συχνότητα ->frequent (adj.), frequently (adv.)
go by car (expression)= to drive to a place, πηγαίνω με το αυτοκίνητο
go on foot (expression)=to walk to a place, πηγαίνω
με τα πόδια
guess = μαντεύω
guy =φιλαράκος=pal
habit = συνήθεια = custom, routine ->habitual (adj.)
hang out(with friends) = συχνάζω, βγαίνω με τους φίλους μου
head's office = το γραφείο
του διευθυντή
health care = ιατρική περίθαλψη
high mark =υψηλός βαθμός - to get high marks
Home Economics = Οικιακή Οικονομία
ICT =Information and Communications Technology, ΤΠΕ (Τεχνολογίες της Πληροφορίας
και Επικοινωνίας )
ideal =perfect, or the best possible, ιδανικός
join = become a member =γίνομαι μέλος
late =after the usual time or the time that was arranged,
αργοπορημένος ≠ early -> lately
latest = most recent , ο πιο πρόσφατος -> late (adj.)
lately (adv.)
load = something that is carried, often by a vehicle, φορτίο
– loads of = a lot of = πολύ
low = not high, χαμηλός
mag (magazine) = περιοδικό
main = most important, κύριος = primary ->mainly (adv.)
mostly = mainly or most of the time, κυρίως
organisation = οργανισμός. -> organiser (n.), organise
otherwise = διαφορετικά
PE (Physical Education) = Γυμναστική
per year =every year, το χρόνο.=annually
public =available for anyone to use, δημόσιος ≠ individual,
personal, private
Public School= state school(Am E) BUT =
expensive private school in Britain
put in more effort = to try really
hard, καταβάλλω μεγαλυτερη προσπάθεια ->effortless (adj.)
RE (Religious Education) = Θρησκευτικά ->religion (n.)
relaxation = χαλάρωση
-> relax (v.), relaxed (adj.)
rest =a period of time when you relax or sleep, ξεκούραση
science = επιστήμη / θετικές επιστήμες
shout =to say something very loudly, φωνάζω = yell, cry out
skill = δεξιότητα, ικανότητα
solve =to find the answer to something, λύνω =work out,
figure out -> solution (n.)
– to find a
solution to a problem
spend time doing sth = περνώ χρόνο κάνοντας κάτι
state = the condition that something or someone is in,
State school = Δημόσιο σχολειό ≠ Private school = ιδιωτικό σχολείο
struggler = αυτός που παλεύει, αγωνίζεται, εδώ :
ο μαθητής που έχει αδυναμίες και χρειάζεται να προσπαθεί πολύ -> struggle (v.)
take it easy =to relax and not use too much energy,αντιμετωπίζω κάτι ήρεμα
take a test = sit for a test , γράφω/δίνω εξετάσεις
term = a part of the school year, τρίμηνο
timetable = ωρολόγιο πρόγραμμα
too far =too much, υπερβολικά πολύ
tough =difficult, hard, δύσκολος, σκληρός
twice a week=two times, δυο φορές την εβδομάδα
write something using a keyboard, δακτυλογραφώ ->typewriter (n.)- typist