Πέμπτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019



(by Μrs  MARY DANIEL, teacher of English Language and Literature )

The English Alphabet
A,a = ‘εη, B,b = µπι , C,c = σι, D,d = ντι  
E,e = η , F,f = εφ , G,g = τζι , H,h = ‘ειτς
 I,i = ‘αι , J,j = τζέι , K,k = κέι ,L,l = ελ
 M,m = εµ , N,n = εν ,O,o = όου
 P,p = πι, Q,q = κιού , R,r = αρ
S,s =ες , T,t = τι , U,u = γιου ,V,v = βι
W,w = ντάµπλ γιού , X,x = εξ
Y,y = γουάι ,  Z,z = ζεντ

Th=δ/θ, ph=φ, ch=τς, sh= σ(παχύ), ck=k

UNIT 1 , WELCOME =καλωσορίσατε


England=Αγγλία., Scotland=Σκωτία,
+Northern Ireland=Β. Ιρλανδία  ] U.K.=
UNITED KINGDOM=Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
The U.S.A.=UNITED STATES OF AMERICA=Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής
 Australia= Αυστραλία
New Zealand=Νέα Ζηλανδία
South Africa =Νότια Αφρική

Student’s book Page 2

Think teen =σκέψου σαν έφηβος
Everybody = καθένας, όλοι
different = διαφορετικός,η,ο , countries = χώρες to get in touch = έρχοµαι σε επαφή
to do projects = κάνω σχέδια from all over the world = από όλο τον κόσµο
to have fun = περνώ καλά
to join us = να έρθεις στην παρέα µας  
to join = γίνομαι μέλος
look through your book= ξεφύλλισε το βιβλίο σου
e-friends = φίλοι µέσω ηλεκτρ. υπολογιστή  
  • key pal=φίλος μέσω internet  / pen pal= φίλος δια αλληλογραφίας
  • e-programme= πρόγραμμα μέσω internet
  • e-mail=ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο (μέσω internet)                                             
  • e-magazine=ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό (μέσω internet)
Page 3
name = όνοµα ,    surname = επώνυµο
Whats your name? = πώς σε λένε;
How do you spell it ? = πώς το γράφεις;
Where are you from? = από πού είσαι;
 Im from = είµαι απo
open =ανοικτό   closed = κλειστό

Page 4

 Colours = χρώµατα

What colour is it? =Τι χρώμα είναι? It’s …
orange = πορτοκαλί, black = µαύρο , pink = ροζ  
green = πράσινο, brown = καφέ , blue = µπλε
white = άσπρο, grey = γκρι, red = κόκκινο
yellow = κίτρινο , purple=μωβ
culture corner = η γωνιά του πολιτισµού
 Im a bit blue = είµαι λίγο στενοχωρηµένος
marks = βαθµοί , terrible = απαίσιος,α,ο
 I’m green with envy = ζηλεύω πολύ!
He’s not my friend.Ι see red when I meet him.=δεν είναι φίλος μου, θυμώνω πολύ όταν τον συναντώ
She is the black sheep of the family= είναι το μαύρο πρόβατο της οικογενείας.
Its a black day. I lost my job.=μαύρη μέρα, έχασα τη δουλειά μου!

 Page 5

What’s the meaning of…? = τι σηµαίνει … ;
Can you help me, please? = µπορείς να µε βοηθήσεις, σε παρακαλώ ;
What’s the English world for…? = ποια είναι η αγγλική λέξη για … ;
Say that again, please = πες το πάλι, σε παρακαλώ
Ι dont understand = δεν καταλαβαίνω
Can I go out? = Μπορώ να βγω έξω;
dictionary = λεξικό, Junior High School = Γυµνάσιο
board = πίνακας , pen = στυλό ,  poster = αφίσα student = µαθητής, book = βιβλίο ,
window =παράθυρο  
notebook = τετράδιο , school bag = σχολική τσάντα desk= θρανίο ,chair = καρέκλα
there is = υπάρχει  there are = υπάρχουν
There is a board in the classroom= Υπάρχει ένας πίνακας στην τάξη,
There are six desks in the classroom=. Υπάρχουν έξι θρανία στην τάξη


Pencil box/pencil case = κασετίνα,paper clip=συνδετήρας, folder=φάκελος
ruler= χάρακας, rubber/eraser= γόμα crayons,coloured pencils= μπογιές
map =χάρτης, tape= σελοτειπ marker=μαρκαδόρος, chalk= κιμωλία glue=κόλλα, globe= υδρόγειος

Page 6

My favourite number is = ο αγαπηµένος µου αριθµός είναι

one = 1,  two = 2,  three = 3, four = 4, five = 5 , six = 6  , seven = 7, eight = 8, nine = 9,
ten = 10, eleven = 11 , twelve = 12,
thirteen = 13,  fourteen = 14, fifteen = 15 ,  sixteen =16,seventeen = 17,
eighteen = 18,nineteen = 19,  twenty = 20  

Οι δεκάδες από το 10 ως το 100 είναι εξής :

ten = 10 ,twenty = 20, thirty = 30 ,forty = 40,
 fifty = 50 sixty = 60 ,seventy = 70,
eighty = 80, ninety = 90 ,
one/ α hundred = 100

Μy favourite animal is…= το αγαπημένο µου ζώο είναι…
dog = σκύλος, cat = γάτα, dolphin = δελφίνι horse = άλογο, tiger = τίγρης, rabbit= κουνέλι

some more animals:
cow=αγελάδα, turtle= χελώνα, canary=καναρίνι lion = λιοντάρι, sheep=πρόβατο, goat =κατσίκα
monkey =μαϊμού, fox=αλεπού,bee= μέλισσα, snake = φίδι, fish = ψάρι,crocodile =κροκόδειλος

Whats your favourite hobby? Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου χόμπι;
My favourite hobby is = το αγαπημένο µου χόμπι είναι …
watching TV = να παρακολουθώ ΤV
listening to music = να ακούω µουσική
playing computer games = να παίζω παιχνίδια στον Η/Υ,  (go) shopping = να κάνω ψώνια  
My favourite type/ kind of music is …=
το αγαπηµένο µου είδος µουσικής είναι 
pop = ποπ, λαϊκή (µουσική)
rock = ροκ , hip hop = χιπ χοπ
folk= παραδοσιακή
classical = κλασσική (µουσική)

UNIT 2 lesson 1

All about us =τα πάντα σχετικά με μας

page 7

Do you like it? = σου αρέσει?
Neighbourhood = γειτονιά
From around the world= from all over the world=από ολόκληρο τον κόσµο

page 8

hometown= πόλη γέννησης ή κατοικίας
 to live= ζω, µένω
I have got…= έχω, Have you got…? = έχεις…;

 page 9

the first grade=η πρώτη τάξη
an only child= μοναχοπαίδι, lots of = πολλοι, -ες,-α,  
musical= μουσικοχορευτική παράσταση
hobby=χόµπι , brother= αδελφός
to play=παίζω,
school football team=σχολική ποδοσφαιρική οµάδα coach = προπονητής
to be good at=είµαι καλός,ή σε…
to call=καλώ, τηλεφωνώ σε
My friends call me Jenny =οι φίλοι με φωνάζουν Τζένη
nickname=παρατσούκλι (χαϊδευτικό) ,city=πόλη
In the east of England = ανατολικά της Αγγλίας
Cambridge=(river Cam + bridge= γέφυρα)= πόλη της Αγγλίας με το μεγαλύτερο πανεπιστήμιο της χώρας
To study= μελετώ, σπουδάζω àstudent =μαθητής, σπουδαστής
I come from= κατάγομαι από
Florence =Φλωρεντία
twin sister = δίδυμη αδελφή
difficult= δύσκολος-η-ο ≠ easy= εύκολος-η-ο parents= γονείς  
to speak= µιλώ , because=επειδή
large= µεγάλος-η-ο (=big ), family=οικογένεια
to loveto hate = αγαπώ ≠ μισώ

page 10

sport= άθληµα, sports= αθλήµατα
Im quite sporty= είµαι αρκετά αθλητικός-η-ο
activity= δραστηριότητα
shape= σχήµα, µορφή
for more information= για περισσότερες πληροφορίες
fitness centre= κέντρο γυµναστικής
opening hours= ώρες λειτουργίας
judo= τζούντο , volleyball=πετοσφαίριση swimming=κολύµβηση
weightlifting=άρση βαρών basketball=καλαθοσφαίριση
cycling=ποδηλασία athletics = στίβος windsurfing=ιστιοσανίδα
rhythmic gymnastics=ρυθµική γυµναστική


Skiing= να κάνω σκι, horse riding =ιππασία hiking = πεζοπορία , archery = τοξοβολία
fishing = ψάρεμα, skateboarding
travelling = να κάνω ταξίδια
playing the guitar = να παίζω κιθάρα,
listening to music = να ακούω μουσική
surfing the Net
playing chess = να παίζω σκάκι
eating out= να βγαίνω για φαγητό

 page 11


Greece= Ελλάδα, Italy=Ιταλία,
Spain= Ισπανία ,Portugal=Πορτογαλία France=Γαλλία, England=Αγγλία
Britain= Βρετανία ,Germany=Γερµανία
Holland= Ολλανδία ,Finland=Φιλανδία
Sweden= Σουηδία ,Russia=Ρωσία
Albania= Αλβανία , Turkey=Τουρκία
China = Κίνα ,Japan =Ιαπωνία
Brazil= Βραζιλία , Mexico=Μεξικό


Greek=Έλληνας, Italian= Ιταλός-ίδα, Ιταλικά Spanish=Ισπανός-ίδα, Ισπανικά
Portuguese= Πορτογάλος-ίδα, Πορτογαλικά
French= Γάλλος, ίδα, Γαλλικά
English= Άγγλος, ίδα, Αγγλικά
British= Βρετανός, ίδα, Βρετανικά
German= Γερµανός,ίδα, Γερµανικά
Dutch= Ολλανδός, έζα, Ολλανδικά
Finnish= Φινλανδός, έζα, Φινλανδικά
Swedish= Σουηδός, έζα, Σουηδικά
Russian= Ρώσος, ίδα, Ρώσικα
Albanian= Αλβανός, ίδα, Αλβανικά
Turkish= Τούρκος, άλα, Τούρκικα
Chinese= Κινέζος, ικα, Κινέζικα
Japanese= Ιάπωνας, έζα, Ιαπωνικά
Brazilian= Βραζιλιάνος, ιάνα, Βραζιλιάνικα
Mexican= Μεξικάνος, α, Μεξικάνικα


Europe= Ευρώπη, European= Ευρωπαικός,ή,ό Asia= Ασία , Asian= Ασιατικός, ή, ό

UNIT 2 lesson 2

A collection of thimbles =μια συλλογή από δακτυλήθρες

page 13

coins = νοµίσµατα
a thimble = µία δακτυλήθρα
a puppy = ένα κουτάβι
an earring = ένα σκουλαρίκι
shells = κοχύλια  , key pals = φίλοι µέσω Η/Υ
a special case = µία ειδική θήκη
rare = σπάνιος-α-ο

 page 14

lovely = αξιαγάπητος-η-ο , ugly = άσχηµος-η-ο fantastic = φανταστικός-ή ό ≠ horrible = φρικτός-ή-ό
huge = τεράστιος-α-ο
ancient = αρχαίος-α-ο ≠ modern = µοντέρνος-α-ο
cotton = βαµβακερός-ή-ό , gold = χρυσός-ή-ό wooden = ξύλινος-η-ο ,dirty = βρώµικος-η-ο
alone = µόνος-η-ο , cloudy = συννεφιασµένος-η-ο steel rimmed = µεταλλικός-ή-ό
real = πραγµατικός-ή-ό

 page 15

cushions = µαξιλαράκια(καναπέ) , posters = αφίσες
a mirror = ένας καθρέφτης
a bedside table = ένα κοµοδίνο
a toy = ένα παιχνίδι
an alarm clock = ένα ξυπνητήρι

page 16

quite small= αρκετά μικρόσωμος
lightdark = ανοιχτός ≠ σκούρος
small  big = μικρός ≠ μεγάλος
shortlong = κοντός ≠ μακρύς
fur = γούνα ,tail = ουρά
teeth = δόντια – tooth = δόντι
sharp = κοφτερός-ή-ό , collar = κολάρο
(to) adore = λατρεύω , at least = τουλάχιστον
differentsame=  διαφορετικός ≠ ίδιος
stripes = λωρίδες
so many =τόσα πολλά
footie = ποδόσφαιρο (football)
to need = χρειάζοµαι
made of leather = φτιαγµένο από δέρµα
my favourite possession = αγαπηµένο αντικείµενο που µου ανήκει
to wear = φορώ, weather = καιρός
music band = µουσικό συγκρότηµα
hot cold = ζεστός  ≠ κρύος

 UNIT 2 lesson 3

Feel at home = νιώσε άνετα

page 18

e-mail= electronic mail=ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο
to come= έρχοµαι
next month= επόµενος µήνας
on a student exchange programme= µε πρόγραµµα ανταλλαγής µαθητών
CU= see you= τα λέμε/ θα ειδωθούμε αργότερα 4U= for you= για σένα
questions= ερωτήσεις , (to) tell= λέω
about= για, σχετικά µε
neighbourhood= γειτονιά àγείτονας=neighbour
Where do you live? = που μενεις?
to send= στέλνω,  photo= φωτογραφία
Map = χάρτης , (to) answer= απαντώ
the most beautiful= ο/η πιο όµορφος/η
under= κάτω από ,especially= ειδικά , ιδιαίτερα
at night= το βράδυ , near= κοντά
city centre= το κέντρο της πόλης  
street = δρόμος, οδός
wide = φαρδύς ≠ narrow= στενός
traditional= παραδοσιακός,ή,ό ≠ modern
church= εκκλησία , art and craft shop=κατάστηµα ειδών τέχνης , tourist information centre=κέντρο πληροφόρησης τουριστών
to get information about= παίρνω πληροφορίες για
places to visit= µέρη για να επισκεφτεί κανείς  
(at the) weekends= τα Σαββατοκύριακα
such as = όπως για παραδειγμα
pottery= κεραµεική ,
drawing= σχέδιο, ζωγραφική
interesting  boring = ενδιαφέρων ≠ βαρετός

page 19

buildings= κτίρια
keep silent= κάντε ησυχία
maps of the city= χάρτες της πόλης
please, take one= παρακαλώ πάρτε ένα
don’t touch= µην αγγίζετε
paintings= ζωγραφικοί πίνακες
stamp= γραµµατόσηµο
breakfast= πρωινό
free drinks= δωρεάν ποτά
floor= όροφος,   toilet= τουαλέτα
post office= ταχυδροµείo,
art museum= µουσείο τέχνης
library= βιβλιοθήκη   
shopping centre= εµπορικό κέντρο
cinema= κινηµατογράφος , hotel= ξενοδοχείο
pub= παµπ, µπυραρία
block of flats= πολυκατοικία
theatre= θέατρο
Metro station= σταθµός του µετρό
sports centre= αθλητικό κέντρο
bank= τράπεζα
bookshop= βιβλιοπωλείο
Internet café= καφετέρια όπου µπορούµε να χρησιµοποιούµε το διαδίκτυο.
fast food restaurant=εσtιατόριο γρήγορου φαγητού  kiosk= περίπτερο

page 20

plural (form)= πληθυντικός αριθµός  
plural endings= καταλήξεις πληθυντικού
irregular= ανώµαλος,η,ο
there is= υπάρχει  , there are= υπάρχουν
some= µερικός, ή,ό , any=καθόλου
(to) use=χρησιµοποιώ , something=κάτι
(to) exist=υπάρχω ,
plural nouns=ουσιαστικά στον πληθυντικό
singular nouns=ουσιαστικά στον ενικό
statement= δήλωση , survey= έρευνα
ideal= ιδανικός,ή,’ο
(to) prefer= προτιµώ

 page 21

 prepositions of place=  προθέσεις τόπου
 in front of= µπροστά από
 behind= πίσω από
 next to=δίπλα  
 between=µεταξύ (δυο)
 main street = κεντρικός δρόµος


Δευτέρα 17 Ιουνίου 2019

IDIOMS- b1/b2

Against all odds = despite the difficulties
Be at a loss for words = be so surprised that one does not know what to say
Be broke = have no money at all
Be fed up with = be weary
Be flat out = be exhausted
Be full of beans = be lively
Be hard of hearing = be rather deaf
Be hard on sb = treat sb in a strict or unfair way
Be in a good/bad mood = feel happy/sad
Be in sb’s shoes =be in sb’s position
Be on good terms with = be friendly with
Be out of practice = lack practice
Be out of work = be unemployed
Be short of sth = not have enough
Be sound asleep = be sleeping deeply
Be thick = be stupid
Behind bars = in prison
Break a record =make a record (Olympic, world etc)
Break sb’s heart = make sb very sad
Burst into laughter /tears= start laughing /crying
By and large =mainly
Change one’s mind = decide to do sth different
Catch hold of =grasp
Cut a long story short = tell sb sth briefly
Do one’s best  = try as hard as possible
Do sb a favour  = do sth to help sb
Do sth behind sb’s back = act without sb else’s knowledge
Do sth for a living  =  have a job and earn money
Drop sb a line = send sb an informal letter
Eat like a horse = eat a lot of food
Fall in love with  = begin to feel romantic love for sb
Feel/be/look worn out = feel/be/look exhausted
Fight like cat and dog = disagree violently
Fit like a glove = (of clothes) fit very well
Get along with = be on friendly terms
Get in touch with = communicate with sb one hasn’t seen recently
Get into a mess = get into a difficult situation
Get on sb’s nerves = irritate sb
Get rid of  = remove or dispose of
Give sb a hand = help sb
Give sb a ring = telephone sb
Give sb a lift / a ride = take in car 
Give sb one’s word =make a promise
Go sightseeing = visit the sights
Have a good / bad time = enjoy/ not enjoy oneself
Have second thoughts =reconsider
Have a memory like an elephant = never forget
Have an early/ late night = go to bed early/ late
Have sth on the tip of one’s tongue = be on the point of remembering and saying sth
Have the time of one’s life = experience a period of exceptional happiness
Hit the roof = get very angry
In a flash = very quickly
In black and white = in writing
In cold blood = without any feeling of remorse
Keep an eye on sth =guard
Keep in touch with sb = maintain contact by writing,visiting  etc
Keep one’s fingers crossed = wish for good luck
Keep one’s head = remain calm
Learn sth by heart = memorize
Lose heart = become discouraged
Lose one’s head = panic; lose self-control
Lose one’s temper = become angry
Make a fortune = make a lot of money
Make a fuss = complain loudly
Make a living = earn money
Make allowances for sb = consider sb’s weaknesses
Make one’s blood boil =make sb angry
Make oneself at home = act and feel as if one were in one’s own house
Make room for sth/sb = allow enough free space
Make sure = check
Make up one’s mind = decide
Make fun of = mock, ridicule
Out of the blue = suddenly and unexpectedly
Out of date = old fashioned
Out of breath = breathless, gasping
out of sight = outside visible range / amazing 
pick sb up =collect in vehicle
Pour with rain = rain heavily
Pull sb’ s leg = make fun of sb by pretending sth is true
Put an end / a stop to sth = end sth completely
Put sth by for a rainy day = save for future times of need
Put the blame on sb = say sb is responsible for sth bad
Ring a bell = sound familiar
Sleep like a log = sleep very deeply
Spend money like water = spend money quickly or in large amounts
Swim like a fish = swim very well
Take advantage of = exploit
Take a look = look at sth quickly
Take it easy = don’t be worried or excited
Take part in = participate
Take place = occur, happen
Take sth into account = regard, consider
Tell the world = tell everybody
Throw a party = have a party
Work a miracle = make sth that seems impossible happen 

useful vocabulary


   Πολλές φορές θέλουμε να μιλήσουμε για μία ομάδα προσώπων ή πραγμάτων.  Στην περίπτωση αυτή  χρησιμοποιούμε τα παρακάτω συγκεντρωτικά ουσιαστικά.

1. Crowd of people=πλήθος ανθρώπων
2. Swarm of bees=σμήνος από μέλισσες
3. Clump of trees=συστοιχία δέντρων
 4. Fleet of ship=στόλος πλοίων
 5. Troop of soldiers=ομάδα στρατιωτών
6. Bundle of newspapers=σωρός εφημερίδων
7. Gang of thieves=ομάδα ληστών
8. Pack of Wolves=αγέλη λύκων
9. Mob (of troublemakers)=ανεξέλεγκτο πλήθος κακοποιών στοιχείων
10.Pack of cards=τράπουλα
 11.Audience of people=ακροατήριο
12.Congregation of people=εκκλησιαστική συγκέντρωση
13.Band of musicians=ομάδα μουσικών
14.Stack of books=σωρός βιβλίων
 15.Flock of sheep=κοπάδι προβάτων (το flock για μικρά ζώα)
 16.Tea set= σερβίτσιο τσαγιού
17.Shoal (school) of fish=κοπάδι  ψαριών
18.Bunch of flowers=μπουκέτο λουλουδιών
19.Herd of cows= κοπάδι  αγελάδων ( το Herd για μεγάλα ζώα)
                           ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ!!  Λέμε :
 A piece of information=Μία πληροφορία         A piece of advice=Μία συμβουλή         An item of news=Ένα νέο    
   Α crossroads =Ένα σταυροδρόμι           A means of transportation=Ένα μέσο συγκοινωνία     
   A species of birds=Ένα είδος πουλιών

Δευτέρα 13 Μαΐου 2019

stative verbs

Stative Verbs List

Some verbs are only (or mostly) used in simple tenses, and are not used in continuous
tenses. An example of a simple tense is the present simple, or the past simple. An
example of a continuous tense is the present continuous or past continuous. These
verbs are called stative, or state verbs. A verb which isn’t stative is called a dynamic
verb, and is usually an action. Often stative verbs are about liking or disliking
something, or about a mental state, not about an action.

verb                  correct                                                    wrong
agree    She didn’t agree with us.   She wasn’t agreeing with us.
appear  It appears to be raining.    It is appearing to be raining.
believe  I don’t believe the news.   I am not believing the news.
belong  This book belonged to my  grandfather.  This book was belonging to my
concern  This concerns you.                  This is concerning you. 
consist  Bread consists of flour, water    and yeast. Bread is consisting of flour, water 
and yeast.
contain This box contains a cake. This box is containing a cake.
depend It depends on the weather. It’s depending on the weather.
deserve He deserves to pass the exam. He is deserving to pass the exam. 
disagree  I disagree with you. I am disagreeing with you. 
dislike  I have disliked mushrooms for  years.  I have been disliking mushrooms  for years. 
doubt  I doubt what you are saying. I am doubting what you are saying. 
feel (=have  opinion)  I don’t feel that this is a good  idea.   I am not feeling that this is a good
fit This shirt fits me well. This shirt is fitting me well.
hate Julie’s always hated dogs. Julie’s always been hating dogs. 
hear Do you hear music? Are you hearing music?
imagine I imagine you must be tired.  I am imagining you must be tired. 
impress  He impressed me with his story. He was impressing me with his  story. 
include  This cookbook includes a recipe  for bread.
This cookbook is including a recipe for bread.
  involve  The job involves a lot of  travelling. The job is involving a lot of travelling. 
know I’ve known Julie for ten years. I’ve been knowing Julie for ten years.
like I like reading detective stories. I am liking reading detective stories.
love I love chocolate. I’m loving chocolate.*
matter It doesn’t matter. It isn’t mattering.
mean ‘Enormous’ means ‘very big’. ‘Enormous’ is meaning ‘very big’. measure (=be long)
 This window measures 150cm.  This window is measuring 150cm.
mind She doesn’t mind the noise. She isn’t minding the noise.
need At three o’clock yesterday I needed a taxi.  At three o’clock yesterday I was needing a taxi.
owe  I owe you £20. I am owing you £20. 
own She owns two cars. She is owning two cars.
prefer I prefer chocolate ice cream. I am preferring chocolate ice cream.
promise  I promise to help you tomorrow. I am promising to help you tomorrow. 
realise I didn’t realise the problem. I wasn’t realising the problem.
recognise I didn’t recognise my old friend. I wasn’t recognising my old friend.
remember He didn’t remember my name. He wasn’t remembering my name
 seem The weather seems to be improving. The weather is seeming to be improving.
sound Your idea sounds great. Your idea is sounding great. 
suppose I suppose John will be late. I’m supposing John will be late.
surprise The noise surprised me. The noise was surprising me. 
understand I don’t understand this question. I’m not understanding this question.
want I want to go to the cinema tonight. I am wanting to go to the cinema tonight.
weigh (=have weight) This cake weighs 450g.   This cake is weighing 450g. 
wish  I wish I had studied more. I am wishing I had studied more.

Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic:
be be is usually a stative verb, but when it is used in the continuous it means ‘behaving’ or ‘acting’
you are stupid = it’s part of your personality
you are being stupid = only now, not usually
have have (stative) = own
I have a car
have (dynamic) = part of an expression
I’m having a party / a picnic / a bath / a good time / a break
see see (stative) = see with your eyes / understand
I see what you mean
I see her now, she’s just coming along the road
see (dynamic) = meet / have a relationship with
I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for three years
I’m seeing Robert tomorrow
taste (also: smell, feel, look)
taste (stative) = has a certain taste
This soup tastes great
taste (dynamic) = the action of tasting
The chef is tasting the soup
think think (stative) = have an opinion
I think that coffee is great
think (dynamic) = consider, have in my head
what are you thinking about? I’m thinking about my next holiday 

Κυριακή 5 Μαΐου 2019

FCE word distinction

FCE   word distinction
1.      If a watch /clock says 11.50 at 12 o’clock , then it is 10’ slow ; if it says 12.05, it is 5’ fast .
If it gets faster every day ,it gains (; if it gets slower every day , it loses (time) .When one puts it to the right time , one sets it .-> I set my watch by the radio
2.      To set an example -> Drink your milk and set a good example to your sister.
To give an example -> large animals ,for example , elephants
3.      Hardly /scarcely/ barely……… When,   No sooner ….than ,  Not only …but
 +  inversion
Hardly/ scarcely/ barely  ever/ any/ at all
4.      Meat : Cow->beef , pig - pork -ham, calf -veal , lamb -lamb
5.      (BRE )to hire things for short time -> let’s hire a car for the weekend,
To  rent things for a longer period -> you rent a house /flat and the owner lets it out.
To Hire/appoint people ->we are going to appoint a new history teacher.
 But in AME rent for  all the above and the owner rents them out .  Buses /ships/ aircraft are chartered.
6.      To cheat  at cards /in an exam/ on sb /sb out of sth
To deceive     an audience /the enemy
7.      Delicate  flavor /stage/ child
Slim  chance / hope/ figure/ child
8.      Rare   = uncommon and perhaps valuable things->rare species of birds
Scarce = uncommon useful things that we are short of ,perhaps only temporarily -> parking spaces are scarce on Sundays.
9.      Shape  one’s character / an object
Form   a plan/ an impression/ a habit / an idea/ the basis
10.   Clear  sky/ water / instructions/ voice
Clean water / wound / room
11.   Precious  jewelry(= loved) / metals/ stone / stone/ time
Valuable  advice / jewelry (=expensive) / time
12.   Replace  = take the place of -> I’ve replaced the old sofa with a new one
Substitute  =  put in the place -> they substituted Garry for John in the team.
13.   Imaginative = good at producing new ideas -> an imaginative child
Imaginable = that can be thought/ imagined->  Computers now allow us to do things that were hardly imaginable only a few years ago.
Imaginary  = unreal -> the story is set in an imaginary world.
14.   A flock of birds, a pack of wolves/dogs , a swarm of bees / flies/ insects / tourists, a school of whales, a fleet/a shoal  of fish , a herd of cows / cattle
15.   False smile/ promise/ teeth/ friend/ address
Artificial flowers/ limbs
Fake smile / address/ painting
16.   Earn  a living/ money/ a wage/ approval/ a reputation
Gain  weight / attention/ approval/ a reputation/ respect/ knowledge/ experience/ time/ admission to the university
Win  money/ a bet / a race / approval/ at cards/ the war/ a prize/ a cup/ $100/ a shield
Beat an opponent / an enemy/  a rival
17.   Refuse  an invitation/ an offer/ help/ sb permission
Deny  a charge / oneself sth / sb permission

correlative conjuctions

Adjectives easily confused

 Adjectives easily confused

Fat vs.  thin:          people/animal s->   a fat/thin man , a fat / thin girl, a fat / thin cat
Fat for a few names of things -> a fat book/dictionary
Thick vs. thin: usually apply to things -> A thick book, thin material
Thick = stupid (for people ) -> Some people are really thick.
Tall vs.  short: for people’s height -> A tall / short boy
Tall vs. small: buildings, mountains, trees etc. -> A tall / small block of flats, pine etc
High vs. low: buildings, things, sound -> A high /low building, a high / low stool, a high / low voice, a high / low note,  a high mountain ,a  low hill
Long vs. Short : length, time ,distance -> a long /short skirt / time/ walk
Loud vs. soft -> a loud /soft knock on the door
Hard vs. soft -> a hard /soft apple, a hard / soft mattress
Old vs. young: people -> an old man/a young teacher
Old vs. new: things -> an old/ new handbag, an old/ new house
New= a newcomer -> a new boss, a new secret
Large vs. big vs. great : people /things
Large/big:  for size -> a large / big man, a large / big box
Great:  for importance -> a great professor, a great idea / a great monument
Small vs. little : small opposite of big  -> a small / little boy, a small/ little  house
Little: quantifier a little sugar, or to express love, pity, etc -> your sweet little baby
Better vs. worse -> ‘How’s Liz? She’s much better / nearly well.’
‘How’s Bob?’ ‘He’s still ill- much worse.’
Elder / eldest vs. younger/ youngest: used for people in a family -> my elder brother / my youngest son.
Old-older- oldest : for people / things -> my older brother/son, my oldest child, the oldest tree in the garden etc.


Past tense: "-ed" pronunciation