Τετάρτη 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

HINK TEEN 1 (ΑΡΧΑΡΙΟΙ)-VOCABULARY (by MARY DANIEL, teacher of English Language and Literature )


(by MARY DANIEL, teacher of English Language and  Literature )

The English alphabet

A,a = ‘εη, B,b = µπι , C,c = σι, D,d = ντι  
E,e = η , F,f = εφ , G,g = τζι , H,h = ‘ειτς
 I,i = ‘αι , J,j = τζέι , K,k = κέι ,L,l = ελ
 M,m = εµ , N,n = εν ,O,o = όου
 P,p = πι, Q,q = κιού , R,r = αρ
S,s =ες , T,t = τι , U,u = γιου ,V,v = βι
W,w = ντάµπλ γιού , X,x = εξ
Y,y = γουάι Z,z = ζεντ

Th=δ/θ, ph=φ, ch=τς, sh= σ(παχύ), ck=k

UNIT 1 , WELCOME =καλωσορίσατε


+Northern Ireland=Β. Ιρλανδία  ] U.K.=
UNITED KINGDOM=Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
The U.S.A.=UNITED STATES OF AMERICA=Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής
 Australia= Αυστραλία
New Zealand=Νέα Ζηλανδία
South Africa =Νότια Αφρική

Student’s book Page 2

Think teen =σκέψου σαν έφηβος
Everybody = καθένας, όλοι
different = διαφορετικός,η,ο , countries = χώρες to get in touch = έρχοµαι σε επαφή
to do projects = κάνω σχέδια from all over the world = από όλο τον κόσµο
to have fun = περνώ καλά
to join us = να έρθεις στην παρέα µας  
to join = γίνομαι μέλος
look through your book= ξεφύλλισε το βιβλίο σου
e-friends = φίλοι µέσω ηλεκτρ. υπολογιστή  
  • key pal=φίλος δια αλληλογραφίας μέσω internet  / pen pal= φίλος δια αλληλογραφίας
  • e-programme= πρόγραμμα μέσω internet          
  • e-mail=ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο (μέσω internet)                                              
  • e-magazine=ηλεκρονικό περιοδικό (μέσω internet)
Page 3

name = όνοµα , surname = επώνυµο
What’s your name? = πώς σε λένε;
How do you spell it ? = πώς το γράφεις;
Where are you from? = από πού είσαι;
 Im from = είµαι απo
open =ανοικτό  ≠  closed = κλειστό

Page 4

 Colours = χρώµατα
What colour is it? =Τι χρώμα είναι? It’s …
orange = πορτοκαλί ,black = µαύρο , pink = ροζ  
green = πράσινο , brown = καφέ , blue = µπλε
white = άσπρο ,grey = γκρι, red = κόκκινο
yellow = κίτρινο , purple=μωβ
culture corner = η γωνιά του πολιτισµού
 Im a bit blue = είµαι λίγο στενοχωρηµένος  
marks = βαθµοί , terrible = απαίσιος,α,ο
 I’m green with envy = ζηλεύω πολύ!
He’s not my friend.Ι see red when I meet him.=δεν είναι φίλος μου, θυμώνω πολύ όταν τον συναντώ
She is the black sheep of the family= είναι το μαύρο πρόβατο της οικογενείας.
Its a black day. I lost my job.=μαύρη μέρα, έχασα τη δουλειά μου!

 Page 5

What’s the meaning of…? = τι σηµαίνει … ;
Can you help me, please? = µπορείς να µε βοηθήσεις, σε παρακαλώ ;
What’s the English world for…? = ποια είναι η αγγλική λέξη για … ;
Say that again, please = πες το πάλι, σε παρακαλώ
Ι dont understand = δεν καταλαβαίνω
Can I go out? = Μπορώ να βγω έξω;
dictionary = λεξικό, Junior High School = Γυµνάσιο
board = πίνακας , pen = στυλό ,  poster = αφίσα  student = µαθητής, book = βιβλίο ,
window =παράθυρο  
notebook = τετράδιο , school bag = σχολική τσάντα desk= θρανίο ,chair = καρέκλα
there is = υπάρχει  there are = υπάρχουν
There is a board in the classroom=.Υπάρχει ένας πίνακας στην τάξη,
There are six desks in the classroom=. Υπάρχουν έξι θρανία στην τάξη


Pencil box/pencil case = κασετίνα,paper clip=συνδετήρας, folder=φάκελος
ruler= χάρακας, rubber/eraser= γόμα crayons,coloured pencils= μπογιές
map =χάρτης, tape= σελοτειπ marker=μαρκαδόρος, chalk= κιμωλία glue=κόλλα, globe= υδρόγειος

Page 6

My favourite number is = ο αγαπηµένος µου αριθµός είναι

one = 1,  two = 2,  three = 3, four = 4, five = 5 , six = 6  , seven = 7, eight = 8, nine = 9,
ten = 10, eleven = 11 , twelve = 12,
thirteen = 13,  fourteen = 14, fifteen = 15 ,  sixteen =16,seventeen = 17,
eighteen = 18,nineteen = 19,  twenty = 20  

Οι δεκάδες από το 10 ως το 100 είναι εξής :

ten = 10 ,twenty = 20, thirty = 30 ,forty = 40,
 fifty = 50 sixty = 60 ,seventy = 70,
eighty = 80, ninety = 90 ,
one/ α hundred = 100

Μy favourite animal is…= το αγαπηµένο µου ζώο είναι…
dog = σκύλος, cat = γάτα, dolphin = δελφίνι horse = άλογο, tiger = τίγρης,  rabbit= κουνέλι

some more animals:
cow=αγελάδα, turtle= χελώνα, canary=καναρίνι lion = λιοντάρι, sheep=πρόβατο, goat =κατσίκα
monkey =μαϊμού,fox=αλεπού,bee= μέλισσα, snake = φίδι, fish = ψάρι,crocodile =κροκόδειλος

Whats your favourite hobby? Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου χόμπι;
My favourite hobby is = το αγαπηµένο µου χόµπι είναι …  
watching TV = να παρακολουθώ ΤV
listening to music = να ακούω µουσική
playing computer games = να παίζω παιχνίδια στον Η/Υ,  (go) shopping = να κάνω ψώνια  
My favourite type/ kind of music is …=
το αγαπηµένο µου είδος µουσικής είναι 
pop = ποπ, λαϊκή (µουσική)
rock = ροκ , hip hop = χιπ χοπ
folk= παραδοσιακή
classical = κλασσική (µουσική)

UNIT 2 lesson 1

All about us =τα πάντα σχετικά με μας

page 7

Do you like it? = σου αρέσει?
Neighbourhood = γειτονιά
From around the world= from all over the world=από ολόκληρο τον κόσµο

page 8

hometown= πόλη γέννησης ή κατοικίας
 to live= ζω, µένω
I have got…= έχω, Have you got…? = έχεις…;

 page 9

the first grade=η πρώτη τάξη
an only child= μοναχοπαίδι, lots of = πολλοι,-ες,-α,  
musical= μουσικοχορευτική παράσταση
hobby=χόµπι , brother=αδελφός
to play=παίζω,
school football team=σχολική ποδοσφαιρική οµάδα coach = προπονητής
to be good at=είµαι καλός,ή σε…
to call=καλώ, τηλεφωνώ σε
My friends call me Jenny =οι φίλοι με φωνάζουν Τζενη
nickname=παρατσούκλι (χαϊδευτικό) ,city=πόλη
In the east of England = ανατολικά της Αγγλίας
Cambridge=(river Cam + bridge= γέφυρα)= πόλη της Αγγλίας με το μεγαλύτερο πανεπιστήμιο της χώρας
To study= μελετώ, σπουδάζω àstudent =μαθητής, σπουδαστής
I come from= κατάγομαι από
Florence =Φλωρεντία
twin sister = δίδυμη αδελφή
difficult= δύσκολος-η-ο ≠ easy= εύκολος-η-ο parents= γονείς  
to speak= µιλώ , because=επειδή
large= µεγάλος-η-ο (=big ), family=οικογένεια
to loveto hate = αγαπώ ≠ μισώ

page 10

sport= άθληµα, sports= αθλήµατα
Im quite sporty= είµαι αρκετά αθλητικός-η-ο
activity= δραστηριότητα
shape= σχήµα, µορφή
for more information= για περισσότερες πληροφορίες
fitness centre= κέντρο γυµναστικής
opening hours= ώρες λειτουργίας
judo= τζούντο , volleyball=πετοσφαίριση swimming=κολύµβηση
weightlifting=άρση βαρών basketball=καλαθοσφαίριση
cycling=ποδηλασία athletics = στίβος windsurfing=ιστιοσανίδα
rhythmic gymnastics=ρυθµική γυµναστική


Skiing= να κάνω σκι, horse riding =ιππασία hiking = πεζοπορία , archery = τοξοβολία
fishing = ψάρεμα, skateboarding
travelling = να κάνω ταξίδια
playing the guitar = να παίζω κιθάρα,
listening to music = να ακούω μουσική
surfing the Net
playing chess = να παίζω σκάκι
eating out= να βγαίνω για φαγητό

 page 11


Greece= Ελλάδα, Italy=Ιταλία,
Spain= Ισπανία ,Portugal=Πορτογαλία France=Γαλλία, England=Αγγλία
Britain= Βρετανία ,Germany=Γερµανία
Holland= Ολλανδία ,Finland=Φιλανδία
Sweden= Σουηδία ,Russia=Ρωσία
Albania= Αλβανία , Turkey=Τουρκία
China = Κίνα ,Japan =Ιαπωνία
Brazil= Βραζιλία , Mexico=Μεξικό


Greek=Έλληνας, Italian= Ιταλός-ίδα, Ιταλικά Spanish=Ισπανός-ίδα, Ισπανικά
Portuguese= Πορτογάλος-ίδα, Πορτογαλικά
French= Γάλλος, ίδα, Γαλλικά
English= Άγγλος, ίδα, Αγγλικά
British= Βρετανός, ίδα, Βρετανικά
German= Γερµανός,ίδα, Γερµανικά
Dutch= Ολλανδός, έζα, Ολλανδικά
Finnish= Φινλανδός, έζα, Φινλανδικά
Swedish= Σουηδός, έζα, Σουηδικά
Russian= Ρώσος, ίδα, Ρώσικα
Albanian= Αλβανός, ίδα, Αλβανικά
Turkish= Τούρκος, άλα, Τούρκικα
Chinese= Κινέζος, ικα, Κινέζικα
Japanese= Ιάπωνας, έζα, Ιαπωνικά
Brazilian= Βραζιλιάνος, ιάνα, Βραζιλιάνικα
Mexican= Μεξικάνος, α, Μεξικάνικα

Europe= Ευρώπη, European= Ευρωπαικός,ή,ό Asia= Ασία , Asian= Ασιατικός, ή, ό

UNIT 2 lesson 2

A collection of thimbles =μια συλλογή από δακτυλήθρες

page 13

coins = νοµίσµατα
a thimble = µία δακτυλήθρα
a puppy = ένα κουτάβι
an earring = ένα σκουλαρίκι
shells = κοχύλια  , key pals = φίλοι µέσω Η/Υ
a special case = µία ειδική θήκη
rare = σπάνιος-α-ο

 page 14

lovely = αξιαγάπητος-η-ο , ugly = άσχηµος-η-ο fantastic = φανταστικός-ή ό ≠ horrible = φρικτός-ή-ό
huge = τεράστιος-α-ο
ancient = αρχαίος-α-ο ≠ modern = µοντέρνος-α-ο
cotton = βαµβακερός-ή-ό , gold = χρυσός-ή-ό wooden = ξύλινος-η-ο ,dirty = βρώµικος-η-ο
alone = µόνος-η-ο , cloudy = συννεφιασµένος-η-ο steel rimmed = µεταλλικός-ή-ό
real = πραγµατικός-ή-ό

 page 15

cushions = µαξιλαράκια(καναπέ) , posters = αφίσες
a mirror = ένας καθρέφτης
a bedside table = ένα κοµοδίνο
a toy = ένα παιχνίδι
an alarm clock = ένα ξυπνητήρι

page 16

quite small= αρκετά μικρόσωμος
lightdark = ανοιχτός ≠ σκούρος
small ≠  big = μικρός ≠ μεγάλος
shortlong = κοντός ≠ μακρύς
fur = γούνα ,tail = ουρά
teeth = δόντια – tooth = δόντι
sharp = κοφτερός-ή-ό , collar = κολάρο
(to) adore = λατρεύω , at least = τουλάχιστον
differentsame=  διαφορετικός ≠ ίδιος
stripes = λωρίδες
so many =τόσα πολλά
footie = ποδόσφαιρο (football)
(to) need = χρειάζοµαι
made of leather = φτιαγµένο από δέρµα
my favourite possession = αγαπηµένο αντικείµενο που µου ανήκει
(to) wear = φορώ, weather = καιρός
music band = µουσικό συγκρότηµα
hot cold = ζεστός  ≠ κρύος

 UNIT 2 lesson 3

Feel at home = νιώσε άνετα

page 18
e-mail= electronic mail=ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο
(to) come= έρχοµαι
next month= επόµενος µήνας
on a student exchange programme= µε πρόγραµµα ανταλλαγής µαθητών
CU= see you= τα λέμε/ θα ειδωθούμε αργότερα 4U= for you= για σένα
questions= ερωτήσεις , (to) tell= λέω
about= για, σχετικά µε
neighbourhood= γειτονιά àγείτονας=neighbour
Where do you live? = που μενεις?
(to) send= στέλνω,  photo= φωτογραφία
Map = χάρτης , (to) answer= απαντώ
the most beautiful= ο/η πιο όµορφος/η
under= κάτω από ,especially= ειδικά , ιδιαίτερα
at night= το βράδυ , near= κοντά
city centre= το κέντρο της πόλης  
street = δρόμος, οδός
wide = φαρδύς ≠ narrow= στενός
traditional= παραδοσιακός,ή,ό ≠ modern
church= εκκλησία , art and craft shop=κατάστηµα ειδών τέχνης , tourist information centre=κέντρο πληροφόρησης τουριστών ,
(to) get information about= παίρνω πληροφορίες για ,
places to visit= µέρη για να επισκεφτεί κανείς  
(at the) weekends= τα Σαββατοκύριακα
such as = όπως για παραδειγμα
pottery= κεραµεική ,
drawing= σχέδιο, ζωγραφική
interesting  ≠ boring = ενδιαφέρων ≠ βαρετός

page 19

buildings= κτίρια
keep silent= κάντε ησυχία
maps of the city= χάρτες της πόλης
please, take one= παρακαλώ πάρτε έναν  
don’t touch= µην αγγίζετε
paintings= ζωγραφικοί πίνακες
stamp= γραµµατόσηµο
breakfast= πρωινό
free drinks= δωρεάν ποτά
floor= όροφος,   toilet= τουαλέτα
post office= ταχυδροµείo,
art museum= µουσείο τέχνης
library= βιβλιοθήκη   
shopping centre= εµπορικό κέντρο
cinema= κινηµατογράφος , hotel= ξενοδοχείο
pub= παµπ, µπυραρία
block of flats= πολυκατοικία
theatre= θέατρο
Metro station= σταθµός του µετρό
sports centre= αθλητικό κέντρο
bank= τράπεζα
bookshop= βιβλιοπωλείο
Internet café= καφετέρια όπου µπορούµε να χρησιµοποιούµε το διαδίκτυο.
fast food restaurant=εσtιατόριο γρήγορου φαγητού  kiosk= περίπτερο

page 20  

plural (form)= πληθυντικός αριθµός  
plural endings= καταλήξεις πληθυντικού
irregular= ανώµαλος,η,ο
there is= υπάρχει  , there are= υπάρχουν
some= µερικός, ή,ό , any=καθόλου
(to) use=χρησιµοποιώ , something=κάτι
(to) exist=υπάρχω ,
plural nouns=ουσιαστικά στον πληθυντικό
singular nouns=ουσιαστικά στον ενικό  
statement= δήλωση , survey= έρευνα
ideal= ιδανικός,ή,’ο
(to) prefer= προτιµώ

 page 21

 prepositions of place= τοπικές προθέσεις
 in front of= µπροστά από
 behind= πίσω από
 next to=δίπλα  
 between=µεταξύ (δυο)
 main street =κεντρικός δρόµος

 UNIT 3 lesson 1
Day in day out =μέρα μπαίνει, μέρα βγαίνει
page 26
 advertisement /advert/ ad = αγγελία, διαφήµιση
e-notice board =electronic notice board= ηλεκτρονικός πίνακας ανακοινώσεων
to take part in = συµµετέχω,participate
 typical = χαρακτηριστικός, αντιπροσωπευτικός weekday = ηµέρα της βδοµάδας=from Monday to Friday
typical day=συνηθισμένη μέρα
at the weekend=Saturday & Sunday
 the best = ο καλύτερος, η,(good-better-the best= καλός, καλύτερος, άριστος)
ο presentation = παρουσίαση
to publish = δηµοσιεύω
will be published on our site= θα δημοσιευτούν στον ιστοτοπο μας
detail= λεπτοµέρεια
to mention = αναφέρω
topic = θέµα
 bike = ποδήλατο
ancient = αρχαίος, α, ο
lunch break = διάλειµµα για µεσηµεριανό φαγητό right after = αµέσως µετά
once = µία φορά  ,   twice = δυο φορές
to tidy = τακτοποιώ
NOTE:at noon , at night, at midnight,
In the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon

page 27

to live = ζω ->life = ζωή
eg.Ι live in Keratsini,  live in Greece
City=μεγαλούπολη, town=μικρή πόλη
250klm=250 kilometres =250χιλιόμετρα
capital = πρωτεύουσα
step dad = πατριός
step brother = ετεροθαλής αδελφός
 busy = απασχοληµένος
 to get up = σηκώνοµαι (από το κρεβάτι)
to have breakfast = παίρνω πρωινό
to leave = φεύγω, εγκαταλείπω, αναχωρώ
to leave for school=φεύγω για το σχολειό
10 minutes=10 λεπτά
on foot = µε τα πόδια
to get the bus = παίρνω το λεωφορείο
to ride my bike = οδηγώ το ποδήλατό µου usually = συνήθως,  never = ποτέ
Im late=έχω αργήσει/είμαι αργοπορημένος
My favourite school subject=το αγαπημένο μου μάθημα
History= ιστορία
Geography = γεωγραφία
Maths /Mathematics =μαθηματικά
Ancient Greek= αρχαία Ελληνικά
Modern Greek= νέα Ελληνικά
Chemistry= χημεία
Science= φυσική
Music= μουσική
PE=Physical Education = γυμναστική
IT=Information Technology= πληροφορική
Social Studies = κοινωνική αγωγή

learn about= μαθαίνω για/σχετικά με
weird = αλλόκοτος
have a break =κάνω διάλειμμα
from 12 to 2= από τις 12 μέχρι τις 2
to eat = τρώω
school canteen= κυλικείο σχολείου
go back home= γυρίζω στο σπίτι
until 4= μέχρι τις 4
boring = βαρετός
after dinner = δείπνο
to prefer = προτιµώ
a bit = λιγάκι= a little
watch TV= βλεπω τηλεοραση
to prefer= προτιμω
to listen to music= ακουω μουσικη
to read comics = διαβαζω κομικ
to tidy my room= τακτοποιω το δωματιο μου
 to go crazy = τρελαίνοµαι = to go mad
to go to bed= παω για υπνο
to hate= dislike= απεχθανομαι
to play the guitar= παιζω κιθαρα
 always = πάντοτε
to relax = ξεκουράζοµαι
this way= με αυτόν τον τροπο
to do my homework= κανω τα μαθηματα μου
then= επειτα
cycling = ποδηλασία
the Tour de France = ο γύρος της Γαλλίας (ποδηλατικός γύρος)

  τα χρησιµοποιούµε µε αθλήµατα και δραστηριότητες:
PLAY = χρησιµοποιούµε το play µε αθλήµατα στα οποία χρησιµοποιούµε µπάλα όπως,
 play football, play basketball,
 play volleyball, play tennis, play golf,
play handball, play waterpolo.

GO = χρησιµοποιούµε το go µε δραστηριότητες που τελειώνουν σε –ing όπως,
 go swimming, go jogging, go sailing,
go rafting, go climbing, go skateboarding,
 go scubadiving.

DO = το χρησιµοποιούµε όταν µιλάµε για τα υπόλοιπα αθλήµατα και δραστηριότητες όπως,
 do gymnastics, do athletics, do Tae Kwon Do, do karate.

PRESENT SIMPLE (Απλός Ενεστώτας).

 USE ( Χρήση) ->(ΤΟ ΜΟΝΙΜΟ)
•Αυτός ο χρόνος χρησιµοποιείται όταν µιλάµε για µια πράξη που εκφράζει συνήθεια ή ρουτίνα
e.g. He goes to school by bus.

•Χρησιµοποιείται ακόµη για να εκφράσει µια γενική αλήθεια e.g. The earth turns around the sun.

•Χρησιµοποιείται επίσης για να εκφράσει καταστάσεις και γεγονότα
 e.g. They like ice-cream
He doesn’t speak English.

 FORMATION (Σχηµατισµός)

Ο PRESENT SIMPLE σχηµατίζεται µε τις προσωπικές αντωνυµίες
(I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) και τη βασική µορφή του ρήµατος.
Μονάχα στο τρίτο πρόσωπο (he, she, it) προσθέτουµε την κατάληξη –s.
 e.g. I eat You eat -He eats -She eats- It eats- We eat -You eat -They eat
Be careful: όταν το ρήµα καταλήγει σε –s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, αντί για κατάληξη –s στο τρίτο πρόσωπο, βάζουµε την κατάληξη es.
e.g. he brushes, she kisses, he goes.

Επίσης, όταν το ρήµα καταλήγει σε –y και πριν από το –y υπάρχει σύµφωνο, τότε το – y µετατρέπεται σε –i και µετά προσθέτουµε και την κατάληξη –es. e.g. he try + she tries.

Όταν το ρήµα καταλήγει σε –y και πριν από το –y υπάρχει φωνήεν, τότε προσθέτουµε απλά το –s στο τρίτο πρόσωπο. e.g. he plays

 Στην ερώτηση (Interrogative form) βάζουµε το do πριν το υποκείµενο.
Στο τρίτο πρόσωπο αντί για do βάζουµε does. Όταν βάζουµε το does η κατάληξη –s, es ή ies φεύγει από το ρήµα.
Στην άρνηση (Negative form) βάζουµε το do not ανάµεσα στο υποκείµενο και το ρήµα.
 Στο τρίτο πρόσωπο βάζουµε το does not και φυσικά φεύγει η κατάληξη –ses ή ies από το ρήµα.
 Για συντοµία αντί για do not λέµε dont και αντί does not λέµε doesnt .

 KEY WORDS = λέξεις κλειδιά για τον PRESENT SIMPLE είναι τα εξής, every day, every week, every month, on Monday/ Tuesday (και όλες οι υπόλοιπες µέρες της βδοµάδας), at weekends, in winter, in autumn, once a week etc.
 FREQUENCY ADVERBS = Επιρρήµατα συχνότητας.
Τα  always = πάντοτε, usually = συνήθως, often = συχνά, sometimes = µερικές φορές, never = ποτέ κλπ. Μπαίνουν ΠΡΙΝ ΤΟ ΚΥΡΙΟ ΡΗΜΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΤΑ ΤΟ ΒΟΗΘΗΤΙΚΟ. e.g. I always arrive late at school. / I am always late

SHORT ANSWERS = Σύντοµες απαντήσεις Όταν ρωτάµε µε το do απαντάµε µε το do ή το dont .e.g. Do you like school? Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Όταν ρωτάµε µε το does απαντάµε µε το does ή το doesn’t. e.g. Does he play? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.
Α.∆ιαβάστε το κείµενο page 27, και απαντήστε στις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις.
1. What’s his name? 2.Where does he live?
 3. How far is Tours from Paris? 4. What’s the capital of France? 5. Who does he live with?
 6. What time does he get up?
 7. How far is the school? 8. Does he go by bus?
9. What time do lessons start? 10. What year is he in? 11. What’s his favourite subject?
 12. What else does he study? 13. What time does he have lunch? 14. How long does it take him to get to school?

Β.Write the sentences in the interrogative and negative form (γράψτε τις προτάσεις στον ερωτηµατικό και αρνητικό τύπο).
1. I always make my bed
2. They visit museums at weekends
3. He likes English. 4. Lessons start at 8 o’clock.
5. Mum goes shopping on Mondays
6. We often go cycling . 7. You usually get up at 7:30
8. My parents watch TV in the evening.

C.Answer the following questions. Use short answers.
1. Do you live with your parents? Yes,
 2. Does Jean Paul usually ride his bike to school? Yes,
 3. Do your teachers speak Japanese? No,
4. Do teenagers usually tidy their rooms? No,
 5. Does Jean Paul have a lunch break at 11:00?

D. Put the frequency adverbs in the correct place
( Βάλτε τα επιρρήµατα συχνότητας στη σωστή θέση).
 1.They go to church on Sundays (often)
2. He comes to my house (never)
3. She is hungry in the morning (always)
4. Do they go swimming in the summer? (usually)
5. Rosa is late (sometimes).

 ΤΗΙΝΚ ΤΕΕΝ 1, UNIT 3 lesson 2

page 31

 Greetings from Australia =χαιρετίσματα από τη Αυστραλία

The Pacific Ocean =ο Ειρηνικός Ωκεανός
The Atlantic Ocean= o Ατλαντικός Ωκεανός
It takes about 24 hours to fly to Australia from Greece=παίρνει 24 ώρες να πετάξεις από την Ελλάδα στην Αυστραλία.
What else?= τι άλλο;
know= γνωρίζω
hot ≠ cold
start ≠ finish
Teen / teenager = έφηβος
newspaper= εφημερίδα

at the outback = στην κεντρική Αυστραλία (µια πολύ απομονωμένη περιοχή)
   miles away from = µίλια µακριά από
School in the air = σχολείο «από τον αέρα», δηλ. εξ αποστάσεως µέσω του ηλεκτρονικού υπολογιστή.  
On my computer screen= στην οθόνη του υπολογιστή μου
Send = στέλνω
Study= μελετώ
5-6 hours= from 5 to 6 hours = από  5 μέχρι  6 ώρες
on air lesson = «µάθηµα στον αέρα»
 to learn things off by heart= µαθαίνω πράγµατα απέξω, αποστηθίζω
take tests = δίνω εξετάσεις
if = εάν/αν
serious = σοβαρός
she learns how to cook= μαθαίνει πώς να μαγειρεύει
enjoy cooking= απολαμβάνω τη μαγειρική/ να μαγειρεύω
in the area= στην περιοχή
horse riding = ιππασία
Im sure= είμαι σίγουρος/η

Διαβάστε τη σελίδα 31
για να απαντήσετε τις ακόλουθες ερωτήσεις.

1.How old is Nicole?
2.Where does Nicole live?
3 Does she go to school everyday? Why not?
4. How many times a week does she have an on the air lesson?
5 Does her teacher live in the area?
6. How does her teacher send work for Nicole to do?
7. How long does she study every day?
8. What does she do when she studies?
9.Who helps her with her schoolwork?
10. How many friends has she got?
11. What does she do in the afternoons?
12.Are there many children in the area?
13. Is your life different from Nicole’s?

page 32  

School subjects = σχολικά µαθήµατα
what about homework = τι γίνεται µε την εργασία στο σπίτι;
a different kind of lesson = ένα διαφορετικό είδος µαθήµατος
 It’s too far away = είναι πάρα πολύ µακριά  
how long? = πόσο χρόνο;
necessary = αναγκαίος, α, ο
equipment = εξοπλισµός
home economics = οικιακή οικονοµία religious education = θρησκευτικά
physical education = φυσική αγωγή

page 33  

school timetable = σχολικό ωρολόγιο πρόγραµµα
 technical drawing = τεχνικό σχέδιο
science = φυσική  

Μάθαµε τα ρήµατα αρέσκειας (love, like, enjoy, prefer) και τα ρήµατα δυσαρέσκειας (hate, dislike). Τόσο τα ρήµατα αρέσκειας, όσο και τα ρήµατα δυσαρέσκειας ακολουθούνται από ρήµατα µε την κατάληξη –ing (gerund)
e.g. I like playing football .
I hate reading English.
 I prefer reading comics to reading English.

UNIT 3 lesson 3

This is my job
 page 35

issue= τεύχος  
article= άρθρο
lunch= µεσηµεριανό (γεύµα)  
dinner= βραδινό (γεύµα)
vegetarian= χορτοφάγος
chef= cook = μάγειρας(προσοχή cooker = ηλεκτρική κουζίνα)
dish= πιάτο  
menu= κατάλογος (µενού)
order= παραγγελία
ingredients= συστατικά, υλικά
decide on = αποφασίζω για
stuff=πράγµατα (εδώ σηµαίνει φαγητά)
pasta= ζυµαρικά
desserts= επιδόρπια
pies= πίτες  
yummy= νόστιµος  
second helping= δεύτερη µερίδα
day-off= άδεια  occupation= απασχόληση  
meal= γεύµα  
popular= δημοφιλές
it’s a kind of..= it’s a sort of=είναι ένα ειδος
a day off = ρεπό

 page 36

What do you do?= Whats your job?=What do you do for a living= τι δουλειά κάνεις;
vet= κτηνίατρος  
secretary= γραµµατέας  
driver= οδηγός
architect= αρχιτέκτονας  
pilot= πιλότος
dancer= χορευτής
clerk= υπάλληλος γραφείου  
shop owner= ιδιοκτήτης καταστήµατος  
author= συγγραφέας

 page 37  

builder= οικοδόµος, χτίστης -> to build= χτιζω
worker= εργάτης -> to work= εργάζομαι
 artist= καλλιτέχνης  ->art = τέχνη
sailor= ναύτης -> to sail=ταξιδεύω/πλέω
 policeman= αστυνοµικός-> police= αστυνομία
engineer= µηχανικός
 actor/actress= ο / η ηθοποιός, ->to act = παίζω σε θέατρο/ ενεργώ
electrician= ηλεκτρολόγος -> electricity= ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα

to work like a dog= δουλεύω σα σκυλί  
to do the donkey work= κάνω τη χαµαλοδουλειά
to be out of work= είµαι άνεργος  
to get down to work= καταπιάνοµαι µε

Κείµενο στη σελίδα 35,
να απαντήσετε τις ακόλουθες ερωτήσεις.

1.What sort of text is this?
2 What does Mr. Young do?
3. What time does he usually start work?
4. How many dishes does he prepare every day?
5. When does he decide on the menu?
6 Does he decide all alone?
 7. What’s students’ favourite dessert?
8. What do students think about Mr. Young’s dishes?  

 Μάθαµε πως ρωτάµε κάποιον τι δουλειά κάνει και φυσικά πως απαντάµε. Whats your job? I am a teacher.
  Ερωτηµατικές λέξεις,/Wh-questions

Who  = ποιος;
What= τι ;
Where= πού ;
When= πότε;
Which= ποιος/ ποιο από ;
How= πώς ;
What time= τι ώρα ;
How often= πόσο συχνά ;
How long= πόσο χρόνο ;
How many= πόσες φορές

 Όταν η ερωτηµατική λέξη αναφέρεται στο υποκείµενο του ρήµατος, τότε η πρόταση δεν µπαίνει στον ερωτηµατικό τύπο αλλά σε καταφατικό.
Who cooks the meals at school?(δηλ.δε χρησιμοποιούμε βοηθητικό ρήμα)
 Όταν η ερωτηµατική λέξη αναφέρεται σε οτιδήποτε άλλο εκτός από το υποκείµενο του ρήµατος, τότε η πρόταση µπαίνει στον ερωτηµατικό τύπο. e.g.
Who do you like? (ποιος σου αρέσει?)
What time does the lesson start?

Κυριακή 7 Αυγούστου 2016

writing for FCE exams-useful language


(140-190 words- The time allowed for the Writing paper : 1 hour 20 minutes )

1) Informal letter

Dear (first name), or Hi (first name) (for informal e-mails)
Thank you/Many thanks for your (recent/last) letter/postcard.
It was good/nice to hear from you recently.
I’m sorry I haven’t written/been in touch for such a long time.
It’s ages since I’ve heard from you. I hope you’re/you and your family are well.
  • How are you? / How have the family been? / I hope you are well./ How are things? / How are you? / How’s it going?
  • Thank you / Many thanks for your (recent/last) letter / postcard.
  • It was good / nice / great to hear from you again.
  • I was so surprised to hear that...
  • I’m sorry I haven’t written / haven't been in touch for such a long time.
  • It’s ages since I’ve heard from you. I hope you're well / you and your family are well.
Referring to their news
Great news about … Glad to hear that … Sorry to hear about …
Giving news
Listen, did I tell you about …? / You’ll never believe what …
Oh, and another thing … / This is just to let you know that …
I thought you might be interested to hear about/know that …
By the way, have you heard about/did you know that …
I’m writing to apologise for missing your party but I’m afraid I was with flu.
I’m really sorry that I forgot to send you a birthday card but I was busy with my new job.
If you let me know where you bought it/how much it cost I’ll gladly pay for it/replace it.
Please let me know how much the bill is and I’ll gladly pay it.
I’m/We’re having a party on Friday 19th and I/we hope you’ll be able to come.
Would you like to come/go to see ‘Room With a View’ with me at the weekend.
I was wondering if you’d like to go to the theatre/come on holiday with us?
Could you let me/us know if you can come/you’d like to join us?
Thank you vary much for your invitation. I’d love to come.
Thank you for asking/inviting me to … but I’m afraid I won’t be able to …
I’m writing to ask for your help/you (if you could do me) a favour.
I wonder if/I was wondering if you could help me/do me a favour.
I hope you don’t mind me asking but could you (possibly) …?
I’d be very/really/terribly grateful if you could …
Thank you / Congratulations / Good Luck
I’m writing to thank you for your hospitality/the wonderful present.
It was so kind of you to invite me to stay with you.
I really appreciated all your help/advice.
Congratulations on passing your exams/your excellent exam results!
I wish you good luck/Good luck in/with your exams/your driving test/your interview.
Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll do well/pass.
Making suggestions and recommend
Why don’t you …? Maybe you could …? How about …?
You can’t leave New York without doing sth
I’m sure you will enjoy doing sth If you like, we can …
Do visit (somewhere). Don’t forget to (do sth) (Imperative -> Strong Recommendation)
I’m told that … People say that … (If you heard sth is good)
Give my love/regards to … Say hello to … Hope to hear from you soon.
See you soon! Write soon. Once again, thank you for all your help.
Signing off
Love, Lots of love, All the best ,Best wishes,                  +First name


The end of your letter is as important as the beginning. There are some standard ways of finishing an informal letter or email.
  • Give a reason why you're ending the letter: Anyway, I must go and get on with my work! / I guess it's time I got on with that studying I've been avoiding.
  • Send greetings and/or make reference for future contact: Give my love / regards to... / Say hello to... / Anyway, don't forget to let me know the dates of the party. / I'll try and phone you at the weekend to check the times. / We must try and meet up soon. / I can't wait to hear from you / Look forward to seeing you again / Hope to hear from you soon / See you soon / Write soon
  • Closing statement such as Love, Lots of love, All the best, Take care, Best wishes, should be writtenon a new line. If you used a comma after the opening greeting, use a comma here too.
  • Signing off: Your first name then follows on another new line.

2) Formal letter

Dear Mr/Ms (surname)  /   Dear Sir or Madam,

Reason for writing
I am writing to … / I am writing with regard to … /I am writing on behalf of …
Useful phrases for the opening
  • I would like to apply for one of the scholarships I saw advertised in your prospectus. (applying for a scholarship)
  • I am looking for an outdoor work during the summer holidays and I would like to apply for the position of hotel lifguard assistant which I say advertised in my university's student newspaper. (applying for a job)
  • I have seen your advertisement for the post / vacancy / job of… advertised in the local newspaper on 16 June. I am writing because I would like to apply for the job.  (applying for a job)
  • I am the secretary of my college Science Club. I saw your advertisement for the exhibition "The Next 100 Years" and I am interested in organising a group visit. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about it. (requesting information)
  • I am writing (in order) to complain about the advertisement for your new game. Having just played the game, I realise that the advertisement is misleading. (complaint letter)
  • I am writing with regard to ... I am writing with reference to... I am writing in response to...
  • Thank you for /your letter of 9 May... /for your letter regarding...
  • In reply tor your letter of 8 May, ...
Asking questions politely
I wonder if you could …Could you tell me something about …?
I would particularly like to know …
I would be interested in having more details about …
Could you tell me... ?I would be grateful if you could ...
I would be interested in having more details about...
I would like to know if/when/when/...
I would like information on...
Do you know if...?
Referring to their letter
As you stated in your letter, …
Regarding … Concerning … With regard to …

I am writing to complain about …
You said … but in fact what happened …
We were supposed to stay with British families whereas we actually stayed in a guest house.
I would like to complain about + noun or -ing
... is not what I expected / was expecting
I am not satisfied with...
I would be grateful if my money was refunded / if you could give me a refund

Please contact me if you have any further questions.
I look forward to hearing from you soon / I look forward to receiving your reply
I look forward to receiving a full refund (in a complaint letter)
I would like to know what you are going to do about this situation  (in a complaint letter)
I would like to thank you in advance for this information (in a enquiry letter -requesting information)
If you require/Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me/feel free to contact me.
Signing off
Yours sincerely, (If you started with 'Dear + surname') or Yours faithfully, (If you started with 'Dear Sir/Madam') 
  First name + surname

3) Letter of application
Dear Mr/Ms (surname), Dear Sir/Madam/Sir or Madam,
Reason for writing
I am writing to apply for the post/position of … as advertised in …
I am writing with reference/in response to your advertisement, which I saw …
I am writing in connection with your advertisement in the Daily Star on May 11th …
With reference to your advertisement …
Experience / Qualifications / CV

I gained some experience while …
I am currently working as …
I have been working for … for the last four years.
I worked part-time for three years as …
At the moment I am employed by …
My qualifications include …
I have a diploma in …
I graduated from Barcelona University last year with a degree in …
Please find attached my CV
As you can see from the attached CV …

Please do not hesitate to contact me if/should you require further information.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I am available for interview at your convenience.
I shall be available for interview any day apart from Wednesdays.
Signing off
(If Dear + surname) Yours sincerely,
(If Dear Sir/Madam) Yours faithfully,    
  First name + surname

4) Article

Heading / Title

Freezing! (dramatic)
My Lone Walk to the North Pole (a summary)
What’s the big idea? (a question)

You’re already well equipped to prevent crime (surprising)

Did you know …? / What would you do if …?
General Structure
  • Give your article a heading or headline which makes the subject clear and also catches the reader’s attention.
  • Divide the article into paragraphs to help the reader follow the argument.
  • Begin with an interesting introduction – an example, perhaps, or a question.
  • End with an overall comment or concluding.

AN ARTICLE is usually written for an English-language magazine or newsletter, and the reader is assumed to have similar interests to the writUseful language for an article

Involving the reader

§         Just imagine...
§         Have you ever...?
§         How would you feel if ...?
§         Are you one of those people who ...?
§         If the answer is ..., you should....
§         What would live be like if...

·         It’s well known that…but… / People often say that… / Can you imagine…

Making the article lively and interesting

  • I was absolutely terrified when I realised...
  • More importantly, it was something I...
  • Not surprisingly, it's a good way of raising money.
  • The tent was worryingly small for three people!
  • It was the most amazing experience I have ever had.

Developing your points
  • Let's start with ...
  • Another advantage of ...
  • On top of that, ...
Giving your own opinion

  • I think that / In my opinion ...
  • It seems to me that ...
  • If you ask me, ...
  • To my mind...
  • Personally / In my view / I find…to be…

5) Essay ( for fce ->Writing an essay. Focus on agreeing or disagreeing with a statement, giving information, giving an opinion, giving reasons, comparing and contrasting ideas and opinions, drawing a conclusion.)

Making points

Many people feel that ...
First and foremost, ...
It is widely believed that ...
It would be ideal if ...
Another argument in favour is ...
It is clear from the facts that ...
The benefits of ... outweigh the disadvantages.
On the whole, I think ...

Contrasting points
On the other hand ...
Other people think ...
An opposing argument is ...
Giving opinions
I personally feel that ...
I find it hard to see why ...
I certainly don't believe that ...
It is difficult to believe that ...
I object to the cloning of animals.

Organising and linking your ideas
First of all, … Secondly, … In addition, …
Moreover, … Furthermore, …
So … As a result, … Therefore, …
However, … On the one hand…/On the other hand …
On the whole … While it is true to say …
Finally, … To summarise, … In conclusion
Present your ideas clearly. Use connectors to link your ideas
  • To express personal opinions: In my opinion, I believe (that) / I feel (that) / it seems to me / in my view /as I see it / I think / personally
  • To show purpose: to / in order to / so as to / so that
  • To list ideas: Firstly / secondly / finally / In the first place / Lastly
  • To contrast ideas: However / although / in contrast / whereas / but / nevertheless / in spite of / despite
  • To describe a cause: Because / since / as / due to
  • To show a sequence: First of all / then / after that / eventually / in the end / finally
  • To add information: In addition / moreover / what is more / besides / too / furthermore / and
  • To describe a consequence: Consequently / as a result / therefore / so / thus / for this reason / that is why/ thus/ hence/ owing to/due to the fact that
  • To conclude the topic: In conclusion / to sum up / in short / all in all / /In brief / it might be concluded


A REVIEW is usually written for an English-language magazine, newspaper or website. The main purpose is to describe and express a personal opinion about something which the writer has experienced (e.g. a film, a holiday, a product, a website etc.) and to give the reader a clear impression of what the item discussed is like. Description and explanation are key functions for this task, and a review will normally include a recommendation to the reader.
What I liked

  • What I liked most was …..
  • The thing I liked most was ….
  • I was pleasantly surprised by …..
  • ….. would appeal to …..
  • If you get a chance to ….

What I disliked
  • What I disliked most was …..
  • I was disappointed by/with ……

Reviews of books

  • main character
  • is set in
  • Fiction: science fiction / thriller / fantasy / mystery / historical / romance
  • Non-fiction: cook book / travel book / textbook / manual / coffee-table book
  • atmosphere / plot
  • author
  • written by
  • chapter
  • factual
  • unbelievable
  • bestseller
  • ending

Reviews of concerts
  • artist / band / musician / (bass/lead/rhythm) guitarist / (backing/lead) singer / drummer / soloist / trio / orchestra
  • auditorium / hall / venue / lyrics / (catchy) tune / score / gig
Reviews of exhibitions
  • painting / sculpture / handicrafts
  • gallery / catalogue / display
Reviews of films

  • lead role
  • star role
  • star
  • star actor/actress
  • starring
  • secondary role
  • He plays a …….
  • written by ….
  • cast / director / producer
  • is set in …..
  • based on a true story …..
  • believable
  • true to life
  • not very believable
  • far-fetched
  • (As for fiction books +): animation / adaptation / comedy
  • Costumes / design / photography / script / special effects / soundtrack
  • ending

Reviews of TV programmes
  • Chat shows / current affairs programme / debate / documentary / series / soap opera/ sitcom (situation comedy)
  • Host / presenter
Reviews of hotels, restaurants, etc

  • location
  • service
  • setting
  • attractive / disappointing setting
  • owned by
  • run by
  • head chef (restaurant)
  • waiters (restaurant)
  • staff …….
  • staff at reception …….(hotel)
  • hotel facilities ….
  • reasonable prices …..
  • good/excellent/poor value for money …..
  • (a bit/somehow) expensive
  • overpriced
  • not worth the money
  • always fully booked
  • book in advance

  • The script seemed rather conventional/predictable to me.
  • The plot struck me as completely bizarre/absurd/incomprehensible
  • The characters are appealing and true to life
  • The dancers were quite brilliant/amateurish

  • Judging from this CD / show ...
  • Overall, if you like ..., you'll love / you should ...
  • Although some of ... he/she/it's still a great...
  • You really must/should buy/see/read/visit ...
  • I would definitely recommend seeing/visiting/reading/having a look at ...


Past tense: "-ed" pronunciation